Traveling Afghan Square 21

Tap the image for my knit square pattern

It’s 2024 but myself and many other makers are still saying helloooOooo to my beautiful 2020 knit square, as apart of the Traveling Afghans 2020 project.

In October 2020, the project was 20 squares in and I held and squished the afghan, a vision of nearly 50 makers created in collab with Alexi at Two of Wands & Lion Brand Yarn, and it was and still is absolutely afghan cozy heaven. From January 2020, the Traveling Afghans set sail from NYC and journeyed to a new designer every two weeks. Each designer created a 10"x10" square to add to either the knit or the crochet blanket before sending it off to the next person to add theirs. They each published their pattern for free online so makers could follow along with us and create their own knit or crochet afghan! It was a year-long collaborative effort that featured stories from designers about their paths as makers, and gave fellow knitters the opportunity to learn new stitches and make new friends in the community.

I was honored to be one of the designers and remember sipping a warm bevvy with classical music playing in the background while I knit. Four years has flown by but I’m definitely looking back on this knit experience as one of those oh so good travel maker moments. Two of Wands and LBY did an excellent job on this project and you can read the full details here.

This is probably my most requested free pattern to date, so if you’re currently knitting your blanket:
Download my Traveling Knit Afghan square 21 pattern  


The Art of Simplicity